The Power of Journaling.
Journaling is one of the most powerful tools that I could offer you.
Because when you release your thoughts to the paper you release your truths to a visual. What was maybe stuck in thought can be seen and dealt with.
When a question is asked to you first, you would likely ponder or linger on that thought of what was asked. Second-guessing your thinking and changing the thought to mostly what you think others want to hear or even worse, what you want to hear.
It is important for you to have a journaling book that you love to look at and to hold.
It certainly does not have to be expensive by any means, but you must feel good when you are using it.
I purchased a book before that was purple and pink poke a-dots and the color purple is not my fav. So needless to say, I was not drawn to write in that book, nor did I have great energy when I did.
Sounds a bit goofy, but I am serious about the book having to feel right.
Below are a few styles of journaling you can try. If you have others that work great, please share in the comments with the other students. You may be able to help someone become unstuck with this process.
FreeStyle Journaling
This style of journaling has no structure, on purpose.
I often grab my pen and paper and write everything I am feeling. Even if it is a crap-ass mood as all true thoughts are released onto the page without time for judgment. I almost doodle my thoughts.
This is the truest form of myself and the fastest way for me to see what I have to work on within myself.
As well as the fastest way for me to see where I can celebrate my achievements to keep me in a positive mindset.
Here’s how:
- Set your timer for 20 Minutes.
- Shut off all distractions
- Start writing (Whatever comes up, write it down, all of it)
- Once the timer goes off, put the pen down and sit quietly for a few and breathe to accept the release of your thoughts.
- Re-read to know what thoughts you have to work on, and what thoughts you get to celebrate.
Pray Rain Journaling (Janette Maw)
I discovered Pray Rain Journaling in 2016. I was so intrigued by Janette’s
the story, that I had to speak with her and start this practice in my life.
I have attached a link to the Magic of Pray Rain Journaling in case you would like to purchase Janette Maw’s book.
A quick overview of this type of journaling:
It is to journal as if you already have achieved, lived, and demonstrated what you want.
It is creating your future before you live your life. The story stems from a businessman who went to go see an aboriginal man in the desert.
The man native to the land took the businessman with him to the top of the mountain to Pray Rain as there was a drought happening.
The businessman asked, “Should you not pray FOR rain?” The native man said, “If I pray FOR rain it shows my lack of not having, but when I pray rain, it will feel as if I already have it. ” He stood with his eyes closed on that mountain top for 5 minutes with the businessman looking on.
After 5 minutes the landowner opened his eyes and said “Ok, I’m done!”
“What? What did you do?” the businessman was shocked.
“I put myself in the place where it was raining. Puddles of water formed at my feet, the rain fell upon my face as I looked to the sky, the earth soaked up the rain."
The next day...
it rained.
Now whether you believe this story or not, it is worth the try.
I practice this and I can tell you, things happen because after I use this way of journaling, I open myself up, my mind up to opportunities, and my willingness to see.
Here’s How:
- Sit with your journal and be in a calm environment. (Headspace)
- 2.Start writing as if you already have what you want and feel the feelings of already having it.
eg. I love that when I walk into work everyone is willing to help each other. When I feel hungry the right foods always seem to be ready for me to eat and be healthy. Every time I speak to my kids we get a closer connection than ever before.
Gratitude Journaling
I am sure you have heard of this before, but I am going to explain it to you. Let’s face it, at one point I didn’t know what it was.
This kind of journaling is to appreciate all that is in your life now. To the people, things, places, jobs, money.
I have heard, the best time to do this practice is right before you go to bed, this way you wake up feeling the effects of the gratitude practice in the morning.
Taking 5 minutes for all you are grateful for.
Because it starts your brain and day in the most positive way. It opens you up to find new people and things to be grateful for. You actually start looking for gratitude moments to write about.
Write about your gratitude for the day just before bed. Again, this sets your morning as well. Whatever you go to bed thinking about, your thoughts continue when you wake up.
You can also read your evening gratitudes as soon as you wake as you can have your journal on your nightstand.
You are starting and ending your day in a positive way.
Here’s How:
- Go through your day in your mind.
- Write everything that you are grateful for from the day.
- Start by writing "I am grateful for..."
Or if you want to be prompted then I have my favorite collections of prompts and quotes for you with many counter questions to keep you digging deeper into your thoughts.
Coffee First, Then Journal is structured around morning journaling.
Check it out, it might be exactly what you need.
These 4 types of journals will help you keep you clear of the built-up thought as these thoughts are what keep us stuck...
So let's get that shit onto paper.